Michel Muschkiet

Academic Staff

Michel Muschkiet, M. Sc.

R09 R03 H21
+49 201 18-36964
Consultation Hour:
nach Vereinbarung

Curriculum Vitae:

Seit Januar 2019: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Doktorand am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und integrierte Informationssysteme der Universität Duisburg-Essen von Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schütte

September 2018 - Dezember 2018: Junior Referent Strategie bei der Trianel GmbH in Aachen

Oktober 2015 - März 2018: Studium des Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens mit Fachrichtung Elektrische Energietechnik (M.Sc.) an der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen

  • Studienschwerpunkt: Corporate Development and Strategy 
  • Thema der Abschlussarbeit: Peer-to-Peer-Energiemärkte: Ein Modell zur wirtschaftlichen Bewertung von dezentralen Stromhandelssystemen unter Betrachtung von Agenten mit rationalem Verhalten und sozioökonomischen Präferenzen

Juli 2017 - Juli 2018: Studentische Hilfskraft und Verfassung der Masterarbeit im Bereich Trendscouting/Unternehmensentwicklung bei der Trianel GmbH in Aachen

November 2014 - März 2017: Studentischer Hilfswissenschaftler im Bereich Organizational Development am Forschungsinstitut Werkzeugmaschinenlabor WZL der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen

Oktober 2012 - Oktober 2015: Studium des Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens mit Fachrichtung Elektrische Energietechnik (B.Sc.) an der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen

  • Thema der Abschlussarbeit: Informationsasymmetrien auf dem Industriestrommarkt: Transaktionskostenbewertung des Abbaus von Informationsasymmetrien seitens industrieller Großkunden bei der Vertragsanbahnung mit Stromanbietern


  • Muschkiet, Michel; Wulfert, Tobias; Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero; Banh, Leonardo: Unleashing the digital building bricks: A smart service taxonomy for retail. In: Electronic Markets, Vol 33 (2023), p. 51. doi:10.1007/s12525-023-00666-zCitationDetails

    The increasing online competition, associated changes in customer behaviors, and effects of the pandemic in recent years have led to increasing retail store closures. This development has given rise to a downward spiral in terms of a decreasing attractiveness of local shopping places and a further reduction of stores. Research has recognized that smart services can unleash the potential to compensate for the competitive disadvantages of physical retailers by combining tailored physical and digital offerings to enhance customer-oriented value creation. However, most approaches are limited to in-store services without addressing the wider shopping experience in retail surroundings. Therefore, this paper provides a classification framework for smart services in retail evaluated against 163 use cases, as well as six service archetypes. This work contributes to understanding relevant service design elements and proposes applying the idea of a holistic customer experience to service design in physical retail environments.

  • Muschkiet, M.; Wulfert, T.: Holistic customer experience in smart city service systems – a conceptual model. In: 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE2022). New York City, USA 2022. CitationDetails
  • Muschkiet, M.; Kühne, B.; Jagals, M.; Bergan, P.; Rehring, K.; Ahlemann, F.: Making Data Valuable for Smart City Service Systems - A Citizen Journey Map for Data-driven Service Design. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) Proceedings. Nürnberg, Germany 2022. CitationDetails
  • Schütte, R.; Muschkiet, M.; Wulfert, T.: Smart City Experience: von isolierten Services zu Smart Service-Ökosystemen.. In: Bruhn, M.; Hadwich, K. (Ed.): Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement. . Springer, Heidelberg 2022, p. 1-25. CitationDetails
  • Kühne, B.; Muschkiet, M.: Analyzing Actor Engagement in Data-Driven Business Models Innovation in the Context of Smart Cities by Creating a Common Understanding. In: Leitner, C.; Ganz, W.; Satterfield, D.; Bassano, C. (Ed.): Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering. AHFE 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 266. Springer, 2021. CitationDetails

Tutored Theses:

  • Business Modeling of a Mobility as a Service Concept in the Smart City using the Example of moovel. (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
  • The Impact of Demographic Factors on User Acceptance and Use of Mobile Payment in Smart Cities (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration)
  • Technology Acceptance of Digital Assistance Systems in Care (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
  • Analysis of selected agile process models in software engineering - evaluation with regards to principles of the agile manifesto (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
  • Comparison of cloud-based solutions vs. on-premise solutions in financial planning in medium-sized companies (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
  • The Impact of Demographic Factors on User Acceptance and Use of Mobile Payment in Smart Cities (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
  • Smart City Guide: Developing a Prototype for a Navigation Application with Location-based and Personalized Offerings in the City (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
  • European Smart Cities: A Taxonomy (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
  • Digital Twins in Health Care - Identification of Potentials and Challenges of Applications (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)